Sunday, July 8, 2007

Can you believe that the first week of July is already over . . . .

Well it has been a few days since I checked in - so much going on this week. David has actually had the week off of work so we have been spending precious time as a family. We celebrated the Fourth of July with red, white and blue pancakes. Yummy! We spent the day swimming and playing at home. Everyone on our street met outside after dark to set off fireworks. Just a nice, easy-going day.

David and I attended a wedding on 7-7-07. A very LUCKY day for our friends - Tate and Dave Donner.

Is this the cutest cake ever? What fun to have an excuse to have your hair done and buy a new dress. I went to the hairdressers with Shelly and Helen - a girls day at the salon! Not to mention I got to wear my favorite sparkling shoes.

Tate had decks of cards made with their picture on it as a parting favor at the wedding - so appropriate for a wedding on 7-7-07 in Las Vegas. All of the water bottles had custom labels and the tables where sprinkled with crystals and rose petals. So sparkling and lovely!

Don't they make the cutest couple - so much LOVE! Can you see their names projected on the dance floor - that is such a unique personal touch.

Well it has been a busy first week of July - still working everyday getting ready for CHA and for the premiere of the new Harry Potter movie. The kids are so excited - they are planning a "Harry Potter Day" on Tuesday when we go and see the movie. They are trying to get me to try some of the Bertie Bott's beans which are jelly beans with strange flavors like ear wax and dust - I don't think that is going to happen.

It is already July 8th - where has the summer gone !

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